2024 Seminar Series
Happiness & the Desire for Knowledge in Augustine & Aquinas
Assistant Professor, Nazareth University
Happiness & Holiness:
The Witness of Catholic Saints
Assistant Professor, St. Bernard's School of Theology
The twentieth century saw untold human suffering worldwide--in concentration camps, gulags, and national and tribal conflicts that claimed more innocents than soldiers. Yet in all these situations, some individuals managed not only to survive, but to lead joy-filled lives. What does this mean for our understanding of what it means to be happy? Is such a thing possible for everyone or only a few elect? This lecture will explore these questions through the lives of men and women who are noted for their heroism and holiness, the saints
Seminars are free and open to the public
Students that attend the series may request a certificate of completion
Previous Seminar Series: Intersections (2022) Beauty (2022-2023)
For more information write to: contact@agathoninstitute.org