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Discover enduring principles found in classical traditions and how they relate to important issues in our world today.  

Engage with the great thinkers and ground your understanding of truth, purpose and success. 

The Agathon Institute provides educational opportunities to students who are serious about their formation as men and women of integrity and that pursue excellence in all spheres of life. Students engage with thinkers like Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Nietzsche, Pieper, and Ratzinger, and ask questions about first principles, virtue and natural law. Our programs do not require previous study of philosophy, only the disposition and open mind to learn from assigned materials, presentations and dialogue with peers. amazes me to know that most humans have this underlying set of rules that they acknowledge as a way to live your life and how others should live; is fascinating.

2021 Summer Program participant​


“Is there anything else you long to do more than reading, writing, and discussing books?" A vocation to scholarship

"The program was very enjoyable, especially  the Socratic Seminars"

2023 Participant


Tolkien Seminar at RIT


The Institute provides opportunities in education for high school and college students to engage in intellectual inquiry by addressing first principles encountered in classical traditions.


“…to enter progressively into the heart of questions and to open oneself to passion for the truth and the joy of finding it”(Benedict XVI)


The Institute is a platform for students to cultivate their mind and pursues this by promoting engagement with timeless truths while addressing contemporary thought. Confronted with an open and integrated view of knowledge, students acquire an informed confidence that grounds them within the academic world and leads them to lives of virtue and integrity.

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